SIFF PICK-Three Blind Mice

Posted by Doggie | 8:07 AM | , , | 0 comments »

I rated this film a 4 mostly for the acting. The script itself was not great but the actors performed so well it was easy to forgive the script's deficiencies. Three young Sailors in the Australian Navy coming to grips with their decision to enlist. These Sailors are on shore leave for the weekend and trying to bond with each other and bury the horrors of the physical and psychological abuses they experienced. Typical Military Stuff here. Young men walking through life like blind mice, though it could be argued that the blind, Mice included eventually develop creative techniques for coping.

Still this Film is worth seeing, if only for the quality of the acting. I must warn you that some of the Aussie accents are pretty thick. I found myself reading the visuals for clues to what some of the actors were saying. All in all a good film...worthy of a 4